Friday, September 14, 2012

Free motion strife.

I have this tendency to waste my time away thinking about what I need to be doing or what I would like to do instead of actually doing something. But - sometimes I actually do something. And it results in tears.

This last Tuesday I had decided that my free motion quilting was good enough to want to try on an actual quilt. I knew I wasn't going to be awesome, so I chose a quilt top that didn't mean much to me.... Thank goodness.

You can see on the right hand side how many times I went over that one spot. I had to actually seam rip a portion of my quilting it was so bad.

The quilt I chose was as good as any, but either it didn't work for this motif or I didn't work for this motif. Either way, it didn't work. Every time I came across a seam, which was every 2 inches, the darning foot would get caught on the lump and drag. And since I am not experienced with this whole free motion quilting thing I had no idea how to control the stitches when they came flying after my foot made the jump over that lump.

I got so mad that I rushed the last loop and broke the needle. So I crumpled the quilt and threw it in the corner, went to my fiance to sulk, kicked the thrash can, and then proceeded to cry like a baby while he carried me into the house.

Like I said, mad.

After I calmed down I went to a local quilt shop to get an opinion, or advice, or anything. I asked her what I could do and she looked at me crookedly and said, "You just need to practice." Practice?!

Because I was sore already that comment pissed me right off, but after I cooled down I realized that it was kind of a compliment. She told me to get some relaxing or calming music and take my time with it. So I did.

And then I broke another needle. Since then I have not touched the sewing machine. I am giving myself time to cool off. No wonder I think about things rather than do them. I am so much better in my head.

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up, I have been in your shoes!! Let me just tell you that you will go through quite a few needles as you get the hang of it. I decided to stock up on extra needles when Connecting threads was having their needle sale. I have also noticed that a sharper fresh needle helps. I know it is frustrating to hear that one has to practice so much, but its true. If you have unquilted portions of that quilt left, maybe you could cut it up and have practice squares ready to go practice. I have to be honest with you though, I think you did really great for someone just starting out, truly.
